3w ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv thanks for the welcoming words. what would you recommend specifically for seduction besides the basics in the sidebar? i've read everything about the basics a couple years ago, will need to re-read everything again tho.
Having trouble overcoming ASD - need help
Quick backstory. This girl has some of the same classes with me, and occasionally "asks for help" by coming over to my place. We stay at my place, get some drinks, and I try to escalate.
However, every time I escalate she just starts crying and says that she loves her boyfriend too much. The funny thing is that this has happened at my place 2-3 times already, and she's coming over today again, in 3-4 hours. How the fuckk do I handle this?
@SeasonedRP hit the nail on the head. This chick is clearly exhibiting psychotic behavior and you're obviously dick thinking if you've been put through this more than once and haven't disqualified this chick. Setting and maintaining boundaries with the females you deal with from here on will save you a lot of headaches going forward. Reserve a study space at your nearest library. Text her the time and location when you tell her to meet you there. When you meet up, tell her that you think meeting here would be for the best from here on and suggest that you both invite others to make it a study group. This chick is from here on off limits to your personal space.
In the future, consider investing in a reliable ready reference you can pick up and study to better prepare yourself for engaging the opposite sex. I'd suggest that you get yourself a copy of Doc Love's "The System: The Dating Dictionary". Doc Love, also known as the late Tom Hodges, wrote a weekly advice column that's mirrored on several sites and a podcast. While his media is a bit pricey, it's a solid foundation a guy can branch out from, but I would also suggest you review his advice column to decide if his view on dating and relationships is aligned with what you aspire for yourself. If you've already found you'd like to read his book, save yourself a search and give this scribed link a gander.
Read More3y ago The Hub
Having trouble overcoming ASD - need help
Quick backstory. This girl has some of the same classes with me, and occasionally "asks for help" by coming over to my place. We stay at my place, get some drinks, and I try to escalate.
However, every time I escalate she just starts crying and says that she loves her boyfriend too much. The funny thing is that this has happened at my place 2-3 times already, and she's coming over today again, in 3-4 hours. How the fuckk do I handle this?
3y ago TheRedPill
Having trouble overcoming ASD - need help
Quick backstory. This girl has some of the same classes with me, and occasionally "asks for help" by coming over to my place. We stay at my place, get some drinks, and I try to escalate.
However, every time I escalate she just starts crying and says that she loves her boyfriend too much. The funny thing is that this has happened at my place 2-3 times already, and she's coming over today again, in 3-4 hours. How the fuckk do I handle this?
3y ago The Hub
@redhawkes nah, the bf is no problem, he's a classic beta. she texted me in the morning that she "doesn't remember anything, was too drunk", looks like a rejection to me?
3y ago The Hub
Hi guys, new to this forum, idk if this is the place to post, used to use reddit. Quick story:
Yesterday night, went out to a party. Girl 8/10 eyeing me down, obvious IOI, we chatted a bit, fast forward we go out on a cigarette. I go in for the kiss, she stops me with "I have a boyfriend". I ignore her, continue having fun.
20mins later, I ask her out for a cig again. I go in for the kiss again, she complies. We make out and I start making plans to escalate at my place. After making out, she reminds herself of her boyfriend (I know the guy) and starts crying, saying that she loves him. I was like damn cool, but her friend came and picked her up.
How to proceed? Do I proceed at all? Thanks