@Lionsmane8 you're saying this with a screenshot from one of the most despicable people on x which is a guy who blatanly and publicly supported terrorist groups such as hezballah and hamas and even called them a resistance.
I agree that Americas support to israel is just off sometimes and most of the time but also posting something as u did with this guy means that youre no different than the other extremists.
@Chantfire mostly her pulling away because the things that shes doing Im used to do them to other girls lol. Its like wtf? Someone is giving me my own medicine
@Chantfire Thanks again man, but the thing is we havent seen each other for 3 weeks and therefore I dont know how shed act if I was with her. So yeah its kinda complicated or maybe im just complicating things
@roguespa you know that women are prone to mood swings, sometimes it is not you that is the problem but life in general, so do not read too much into her changing moods. If you pull away when she pulls away then you fail the shit test. If she is still going out with you and letting you get physical then you are still in the game. It is only when she stops kissing you and getting physical that you should start to worry about losing her. Beyond that you are good. And by slow down and dont let up, I mean keep doing what you are doing, like delaying responses and being busy, but don't give up [3 hours 20 minutes is usually a good enough delay]. Just because she does not say I love you first does not mean she doesn't like you still, so take the lead and let her know, create the vibe don't wait on her.
Read More@Chantfire Thanks for the solid advice man. But just a question, what do you mean I have to slow down and not let up?
@roguespa you have to have two in the kitty, and in my experience you are going through what some call PNP [Positive Negative Positive behavioral reinforcements], it is a technique most women use to draw commitment out of men. Plus you are rushing things, slow down, until you are more than 10 dates and 2-3 months in, you should not be so invested. My rules is to minimize communication in between dates, until I have gotten through atleast 10 dates and more than 2 months of contact (unless you're a glutton for punishment). And if you ever get that weird feeling that she is pulling away then slow down but do not let up, especially if you are lookin for a LTR, slowing down shows that you have a good sef-esteem and some self-control.
Think of all the positive reasons why this girl should be with a guy like you and then internalize them. Secondly communicate your boundaries without putting her down or being negative, or you might end up resenting her. Reflect on what your expectations are and think of how you have communicated them to her as well. Thirdly do not try to control her, rather control yourself by minimizing phone dates and staying on your grind. If all else fails walk away quietly.
Q: What is bothering you the most; her pulling away or the pace that your relationship is going at?
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