For the discussion of bodybuilding and lifting for aesthetics.
3w ago Bodybuilding
@Kloi I've never been a fan of max singles in the gym for those who compete. Save it for the meet. For those who don't, 2-3 times a year a year is plenty once you're past a beginner stage and want to test where you are. For me, low reps with heavy weight require a lot of mental focus I'm unable to provide now due to some work responsibilities, so I've been doing sets of 10 on the big 3, and sometimes even up to 20 on squats. It's been a pleasant shock to the system.
3w ago Bodybuilding
@lurkerhasarisen Oh no, there are three racks at the commercial gym I go to. I really wish it or the hardcore gym I go to when on my work trips would get a monolift. It may sound silly, but I've had joint replacements (not due to lifting) and now, walking back and setting up on squats is the hardest part of that lift for me. I'm sometimes unsteady when doing it. I'd love to have a monolift where you can just unrack and squat.
4w ago Bodybuilding
1RM is a replacement description for anything that requires one more push, but I dont really wanna die on this battlefield.
But then sometimes you just wanna know what is your 1RM.
4w ago Bodybuilding
Got bamboozled again. Only took one set to figure out on the plate loaded seated row, there's a 25lb starting weight.
In my defense I've always been a free weights guys. For an entire 30 seconds I couldn't figure out why my warm up weight felt heavy.
4w ago Bodybuilding
Fucked up my routine. I cant do my single 1RM.
Speaking of safety, except for the first year or down of inconsistent lifting, I've never been a 1RM guy.
3RM or even 5RM is a hell of lot less likely to cause injury.
Plus if you barely lift with a partner you can still somewhat safely, with shit form get the weight back up one more time.
1mo ago Bodybuilding
One of the things I see in the gym all the time is people either not using the safety bars / safety stops,
Youtube is absolutely full of gym videos wherein somebody gets stuck with the full weight of an overloaded bar bearing down on their kidneys, which then tips each way in rapid succession to noisily dump the weights off each end.
1mo ago Bodybuilding
You mean they removed the squat racks entirely? Probably time to look for a new gym.
1mo ago Bodybuilding
Most people fail to appreciate how dangerous many activities can be.
Likeā¦ marriage?
1mo ago Bodybuilding
@lurkerhasarisen most people fail to appreciate how dangerous many activities can be