This is intended as a placeholder - but feel free to join and do tribal stuff! I'm u/goodmod on r/MensRights.
2y ago MensRights
I think that trial did a lot of damage to "Team Believe All Women."
It really did, FUCKING AWESOME.
2y ago MensRights
For any Father who has gone through a rough time in family court, here's a video you might enjoy. 4 part Judge Judy episode where she sees through and picks apart the woman's BS and awards a judgement to the man who went to small claims court for damages over a false protective order the woman filed, and which got dismissed at its hearing.
2y ago MensRights
@jprdl I think that trial did a lot of damage to "Team Believe All Women."

2y ago MensRights
@jprdl Sounds like that angle is getting addressed. They take that shit seriously, and it was probably downloaded from a LE honeypot site which will provide even more timestamp evidence of when it was downloaded.
2y ago MensRights
@MentORPHEUS btw how did she even get that cp. Unfortunately she won't even get punished for anything. But in fact if it was her do it then it is actually her who was in possession so it is her who should not get custody.
2y ago MensRights
@MentORPHEUS I once just told what I think without thinking and girl started to push me and record to make it look like I would hit her(waited from any aggression from me). Seriously, if you make woman really angry she will do craziest shit. Then she will act like it didn't happen.
2y ago MensRights
@MentORPHEUS Woman in anger as a man in danger. She can come up with anything and everyone will be on her side. Talking from experience. Usually they just don't do it because they know how much they can fuck up the man's life.
You can see it in Depp's case with Amber Turd. There is recording where she says "yea tell them johnny, I am a man and I am victim of abuse, see if anyone believes".
2y ago MensRights
Terrible story but this kind of thing is done to men ALL THE TIME in divorces and breakups.

3y ago MensRights
@redpillschool Thanks.
Right now it looks like my post on Reddit hasn't gained any new members.
But they're still coming in from somewhere.