Discussion about the meme market and the latest news on meme stonks.
1mo ago Wallstreet Bets
A comprehensive fail, if ever there was one...
#2024 #DarkHumor #TwitterX #SocialMedia #Banking #Investment #Finance #Failure #DonaldJTrump #Vs #Clown #World #EconomicWar #CultureWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #Fraud #FemaleHeaded #Household #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Pedophiles #Noncery #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #Ideology #Tribalism #Egalitarianism #Zionism #Fascism #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Antitheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Freemasonry #RabbinicalJudaism #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read More2mo ago Wallstreet Bets
Actual bets. Story time.
I'm betting now for about a year.
In the beginning I have split what I have transferred to the middleman amongst countries in different parts of the globe.
Invested in honestly speculative shares, but with my limited knowledge about markets, economy, financial machinations, types of stuff 'my' companies were doing, even Tesla and Texaco would be high risk.
Later on I have withraw my capital from Australia as they were trading when I was sleeping and I couldnt control my moves.
Invested there in very speculative shares that theoretically have had good contracts brewing, but they would be operational 2004-6 and their business was based in ecology in lithium manufacturing. Lost 40% but held. Then recovered to 3% loss and decided to move out. Unfortunately in the next 3 weeks they doubled the value.
My next speculative investment was new type battery maker with challenges in manufacturing.
Their stock was crazy and once I have panicked and lost 5-10% based the action on what today I consider fake news.
But then reading into the story of the company, CEO is forrmer high flier in chip manufacturing companies. Later company fired thousands of people in USA, but bought out other similar company in Asia and moved developement mainly to Asia, which I see as good mOve since I am expecting emploee doom coming to USA.
So I have put more into them while speculations were still going strong and shares could be bough cheap.
Since then shares went up over 60%, on a abse that company recently signed important contracts in providing batteries to mass produced devices. And if specs are ok and it wont blow in anyone's face it will do good.
Fortunatelly holding to fat cats and leaving them on a good hunch kept my balance healthy.
Thatnks to whytehorse I have gotten one company that later got overtaken and shares were valued +90%
At the worst moment I was down 20% total, but in general held to losers. It paid back so far, very well.
I planned to do some shorting, but honestly I shit myself to do it since losses are unlimited.
Read More4mo ago Wallstreet Bets
@MentORPHEUS not disputing any points you made as I don't care either way, except for conversation.
He had large debts to that country in the aftermath of the long Iran-Iraq war
Why Iraq fought Iran for 8y, instead of investing in arms and preparing to face US army that at some point would come around, like they always do to oil rich countries that do not follow US policies?
I will bankrupt Iraq and turn every Iraqi woman into a $10 whore.
Coz you know, If tiny Kuwait would ever say these things to Saddam's face that meant they already have had support. No brainer.
IMO: Fight stupid wars, win stupid prizes.
Why Russia is still intact today? Coz they knew, we get nukes and then we can have basic army made of muppets and WW2 tanks.
However dangerous it wouldn't be otherwise, US can export 'democracy', just because of nukes.
Read More4mo ago Wallstreet Bets
There's buzz about the Iraqi Dinar about to get revalued and speculators are bullish on acquiring this currency.
Before the Gulf War, it was valued at US$3.xx per Dinar. The USA precipitated a crash and shortly it was revalued to US$1 buys thousands of Dinar. Read of US service members buying millions to hold and that it turned into a serious long tail investment. Anyone here have insight into this currency and its recent attention?
The USA narrative about the first Gulf War was that Saddam attacked Kuwait for no reason, and President Bush called it Naked Aggression. At the time, I drew a political cartoon comparing this to Clothed Aggression depicting Bush marching into Panama draped in the American Flag.
Turns out, Saddam had legitimate beef with Kuwait. He had large debts to that country in the aftermath of the long Iran-Iraq war. Kuwait was producing well above their OPEC allotment of oil, which was undercutting Iraq's oil profits costing them US$1 billion a year. He also claimed Kuwait was slant drilling into Iraq's side of the oil deposits and stealing them. Saddam tried to resolve the matter through diplomatic and economic channels, but OPEC countries basically said too bad, how sad and did nothing. The Emir of Kuwait told him to his face, "I will bankrupt Iraq and turn every Iraqi woman into a $10 whore." Saddam reached out to the US State Department which told him, "We're not going to get involved in Arab-Arab conflicts." After all of this, he launched the Kuwait invasion. Suddenly, America DID care, and American troops and tax dollars got involved.
Read More5mo ago Wallstreet Bets
@FrancoAP unlikely, maybe at the beginning, here you show maximum multiplier of x2 for any starting investment, losses would be pretty possible. It was better to do something immoral and engage someone with super low score. But since TRP is amoral it was perfectly fine.
5mo ago Wallstreet Bets
5mo ago Wallstreet Bets
People are getting rich off of me no? lol That's an almost straight up line
5mo ago Wallstreet Bets
and I have over 300 confirmed kills
just say it - you have lost one of your big boxes of vitamins, with 305 tablets in it
5mo ago Wallstreet Bets
5mo ago Wallstreet Bets
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid.
I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit.
If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You're fucking dead, kiddo.
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