A place to post examples of women behaving badly. This is intended to be a point-and-laugh tribe that doesn't take itself too seriously. May help depedestalize women and unlearn BP conditioning.
@deeplydisturbed btw I didnt watch till the end, I understand it is being claimed he was not aware?
In my case getting so much bad news, depicted. I'd be speechless. There is only so much you can take and then there is nothing to say, all is self explanatory.
The guy talks a lot, worried about wife's welfare, is very aware not to incriminate himself, stories about the moving objects, knows some very specific details...
I'm not expecting he was taking any part, but I think he knew something was off.
Not blaming him, he might have been warned by his wife he'll face some falase accusations if he wont fuck off and give up.
Yeah. I was rooting for him until towards the end and I realized. This guy is, what, a cuck? Simp? Fool?
I can't even get my head around this mess.
13h ago Women Behaving Badly
TBF there was a man in the houshold, later on he was still paying up, possibly covering most of the expenses, this is a fucking mansion.
14h ago Women Behaving Badly
I skipped through a lot.
Women can be truly evil. Imagine a world with no men.
This video is a good example of that.
17h ago Women Behaving Badly
@deeplydisturbed I listened to some of that during my evening commute last night.
I don't think I'm going to finish this one. I've witnessed enough suffering for a lifetime already without torturing myself by finishing that video.
17h ago Women Behaving Badly
- kid being obviously mistreated, woman 1 not even being the mother, gets to stand around like nothing happened
- father's questioning - "how did you discipline your kids", wonder how much would they fuck him up and transfer responsibility away from the mother, if he got this answer slightly wrong
- Jesus - seemingly one of his first concerns to "your kid was roped, duct taped, visible marks on extremities, malnurished, your wife involved" is "what will happen to my wife", I hope this video was edited a lot, this dude otherwise would be a disgusting beta, possibly tho he might have been aware to some degree
3w ago Women Behaving Badly
@MentORPHEUS You don't behave like this straight out of the box. You have to be rewarded many times in life for this sort of behaviour before you play this one out in a strange place to the police. For years people have been letting these get their way by screaming and kicking off. Its just lucky the police got involved this time.
2 things to note
They are not of any political option. For once they are women on top of that the likelihood of a B cluster is heigh. Both of those result in being certain they would say anything they would think, is appropriate to circumstances. Add to it an substance influence and you'll get a badly thought out bulshit.
- They have obviously never been held responsible to much. Here let me say the police force (not the specific officers) and the judicial system are cooking that up themselves. The Mother +daughter, likely fasely accused a dude, the police arrested the guy without an evidence, put him to jail, the women got a house and na alimony and a fresh dick on the rotation. The conclusion: we are invincible. B cluster increases.
3w ago Women Behaving Badly
According to this Mother-Daughter Dipshitic Duo:
- They don't drink alcohol
- They didn't DO anything
- The hotel staff were mean to them because they (the staff) are LIBERALS
- They aren't leaving despite getting trespassed from the property
As someone in the comments said, "I'd pay $100 to watch a video of these two in a room with all their family, friends and colleagues, while the bodycam footage and sound is played!"
Personally, I never thought I would wish so hard to see a video that included police brutality.