@slutmagazine @Dr_Cockasaurus yeah I’ve not contacted her since and just going to not contact her again. In the meantime I’ll just focus on myself.
@Antelope you know when you say I took her bait do you mean when I texted her the other day when she sent me a random message or when I was meeting her nearly everyday?
Just one answer. Let her go, she's fucking other dudes now.
@Corneliuscaruso thanks for kind words. Yeah it sucks man especially when it’s someone you like. I feel like it’s going to take me more than one month to get back to real life, everyday it’s easier but I still think about her sometimes. One question do you think she’ll ever come back?
@JamesSkepp just one more question, do you think she’s gone for good?
Short answer: yes you can regain her interest.
Long answer: any form of trying to get back with her, including trying to regain her interest, is signaling to her that you are chasing her. Chasing a girl is EXTREMELY unattractive.
Thus the proper reaction is not to chase by not trying to regain her interest by fucking other girls.
Finally, you have oneitis. The cure for oneitis is forgetting about the girl and fucking other women. This one doesn't want to have sex with you, she thinks you are sexually unattractive and she is currently fucking some other guy. Don't bother with her, your princess is not yours anymore, she's also not a princess either.
@JamesSkepp is there anyway to regain her interest because banging 10 other chicks just isn’t possible right now. I screwed up by acting like a simp and was too available to her?
You have oneitis. GTFOW
Cut contact, she's not into you anymore.
Any contact with her is for her benefit and fun, not yours.
You're better off finding new girl than truing to "salvage" anything with her.
- This is BASIC question, the solution to it is in the sidebar on both of the askTRP forum or subreddit.
@JamesSkepp my first post but been lurking quite a lot recently and in the past. So I met this girl (HB8) and I was seeing her quite a lot over the 3 months and she used to stay at mine all the time, I was banging her like 10x a week. Then I got hit with the “we just need time and space” (oviously I know what that means thanks to so suave). Not going to lie I was attached to her and this hurt me. So I left her alone and went no contact for about 7 weeks till she sent me a random message with a link to her Instagram account and some song lyrics, this is when I wanted to post on so suave to get some advice but since the admins have to approve you first I couldn’t, so anyway I texted her two days later to set up a meet and she said “I can’t”. Then she creates a fb account and adds all my friends but not me lol. I really like this girl and I think because I acted like a afc quite a lot of the time this is why she didn’t want to see me. I screwed up by acting like a afc and not having my **** together, this is changing now as I’m sorting myself out. Is there anyway to salvage this? Any advice would be appreciated
I’m 26 and she’s 21 by the way. I will also add that when we stopped seeing each other she “glew up” because she got lip filler, had her teeth whitened, bought new clothes and looked more sexier than when we were seeing each other
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