@Vermillion-Rx rational male by rollo but I never completely finished it yea I agree I'm stuck on lot of concepts but there are so many I forget to have frame control dread game and yea
@Vermillion-Rx I definitely have read it you guys were much help thanks
Some questions I have it'll be highly appreciated if you could take the time to answer em.thanks in advance 1: How do you get over one it's 2: How to be in control of your ego 3: How to know when to dump or ghost the plate Have a nice day
How to know when to stop flirting like when does a girl actually take interest in you and you can proceed on to the light banter just not be a flirt who flirts with every girl cause that's what I feel like I am doing 2- is having online presence important if yes how do I use it to my advantage and not let it ruin my mental health Thanks in advance
Ok so I got some questions Does a girl sending you nudes count as porn ? Should a guy on redpill avoid social media? Girls first or improvement first or carry em side by side
Yes, it's pornographic. Don't encourage or participate in such behavior. The last thing the world needs is another stupid kids junk on display.
Use social media sites that help you make money, learn beneficial things, and keep in touch with people who encourage you to do your best. The rest of it is garbage you likely won't miss. Don't complain to the mods or admin, they're not your friends. They make their money farming you out to advertisers and the intelligence community, that's why it's free. The ignore/block function exists for a reason, use it.
Until you've formed a family, females will at best be a third or fourth rank concern to anything else you will ever do in life. They're not going to keep a roof over your head, clothes on your back, or food in your stomach. First priority is Jesus Christ, with you being the immediate second concern. If you don't take care of yourself, no one will, and those who obliviously depend on you will happily exploit your utility without any thought as to what may happen to them should you fail.
Read MoreOk so I got some questions Does a girl sending you nudes count as porn ? Should a guy on redpill avoid social media? Girls first or improvement first or carry em side by side
So I have been browsing through the redpoll stuff and damn woman love differently and use use for status or survival needs or to ensure the best gene gets passed down to her but if that's the case the only reason I'd want to pursue woman at all would be lust I just have lost the drive to approach girls anymore after reading stuff like that
@Typo-MAGAshiv thanks man this seems a viable solution to both my problems I'm on my summer leave from high school so I think this is the best time to implement trp into my life