This tribe is focused exclusively on red pill messages that are embedded, intentionally or not, in arts, media, and entertainment.
6mo ago Red Pill Foreshadowing
Were the women of 60 years ago better- less promiscuous and more loyal- than the THOTS and HOs of today? Let's give this #1 hit song a spin and see what the men of that period had to say.
Find the lyrics...
House MD Season 1, Episode 7
The female doctor talks with a man who’s wife cheated on him. When he admits he cannot accept that, she tests it as if it were “one mistake” and then shames HIM.
Her dreams of getting married and cheating without impunity were smashed in that moment and she was crushed
What an evil world we live in
10mo ago Red Pill Foreshadowing
I will leave this one to you to sort out.
Good lord. This one is a mess.
10mo ago Red Pill Foreshadowing
Not sure why, but this just popped up on my feed.
Lyrics matter. From 1964.
10mo ago Red Pill Foreshadowing
@deeplydisturbed jawline/the cheeks maybe tbh
10mo ago Red Pill Foreshadowing
Agreed, But something about here seemed masculine to me. I think it is her neck.