HI mods
I know that we need to sanitize pictures and links to theforum. Do we need to sanitize posts here as well?Thanks
4w ago The Dark Winter
@MentORPHEUS I venture stating that a ____load of american volunteers are there.
Hi mods
imgur.com/gallery/ahahaha-ZrDLlvV (the names are changed) Has this been posted? If not, does this qualify?
Thank you
@Typo-MAGAshiv Ok, thank you
@Typo-MAGAshiv ooh ok, thank you
What makes this especially amusing is how risk-averse women are in other cases. They're terrified to walk out late at night because of "bears". Ask them to pick a restaurant and an item on the menu, and they'll freeze up.
Women have no sense of continuity.
They wake up one day, and they are born again virgins. The past doesn't matter.
They can spend the credit card limit now. The future does not matter.
There is a less than perfect man in 100 meter radius right now? Oh the humanity, where is the Asteroid !!!!
I observe this even among my family in many many cases. The only time they will think of the future if the media/their sisterhood tells them.
2mo ago MGTOW
@sean_karaya @typo_magashiv Tribe owners get to decide whether they'll add a forum or not. @Bigs has been inactive. We don't currently have a policy for taking over dead tribes. Thoughts?
@polishknight if i am very honest, then I suffered for a prolonged time from a lack of strategy to optimize between spending and saving. However, after a decade and half of working in various places, and contexts and countries, and journaling my physical changes, and change of comfort zone, I now do have an algorithm to decide these things.
Obviously this algorithm is fine tuned to myself, and my desire to pursue extraordinary pleasures.
So, in the interest of full disclosure,I don't judge individuals who fail to recognize the significance of future planning or those who struggle to balance future and present pleasures.
However, I do hold a strong judgment towards people who lack the inherent curiosity to question their current MO, or who don't seek to adjust or improve to their same methods (whether that improvement was universally valid/accepted or not is not the crux here, I believe, it is a fundamental human drive to check oneself and try to improve. Choosing the mode of such improvement is a matter of self sovereignty, but that is a tangential discussion). I also judge those who never question whether they're making the right decisions.
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