Discussion about the 5th gen war
2d ago 5th Generation War
In other news, the Godot game engine went woke. It's going about as well as you can expect. old.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/1fsvcdg/from_the_godot_foundation_board/
Well, let's see how long the Redot fork lasts then.
3d ago 5th Generation War
In other news, the Godot game engine went woke. It's going about as well as you can expect. old.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/1fsvcdg/from_the_godot_foundation_board/
3w ago 5th Generation War
3w ago 5th Generation War
3w ago 5th Generation War
@MentORPHEUS I'd meant to post on this earlier this week after I saw Joker's and PJW's videos on it, but I forgot.
It's pretty unbelievable.
As much as I dislike Lauren Southern (lying-ass chameleon whore) and Benny Johnson (more on him in a moment), the very idea of them being Russian Agents is laughable.
If anything, by the FBI's own phrasing in their allegations, these "influencers" were deceived about the origin of the money, and yet none of their content actually changed.
I got a good laugh when Joker shared Tim Poole's official response, which was something like "Russia sucks, and Putin can kiss my ass".
A'ight, back to Benny Johnson.
who I considered a snarky condescending prick
Well now, I see you've gone and taught yourself a very big word! Good job!
Ball-busting aside, I'll watch some of his shorts occasionally because his source materials can be good fodder. He himself, when he's right, it's usually for the wrong reasons, and when he's wrong, he's the sort of religious conservative Whisper used to warn about.
Benny also got soundly roasted in manosphere circles a while back for his gay little speech at the RNC. like many talking heads, there's not much inside, and he got swept up in his feels and in the elation of being on stage and applauded by so many people, ending his speech with his eyes closed, his arms spread out, and yelling "have kids you can't afford!" which is some of the worst advice possible in so many ways I barely know where to start.
He's pretty much a chick.
Read MoreVery well said.
I agree.
My career path has taught me a few things, and among the most valuable lessons is this...
Wartime Propaganda is among the most powerful and effective forms of manipulation there is.
So I do not believe any of it.
No matter how badly I want to at times. Because THAT is how they get you - by saying things you want to hear. Then the games begin.
3w ago 5th Generation War
I'm not sure what to make just yet about this breaking "Russian Disinformation" scandal through Tenet Media. Reportedly, six prominent right-wing social media personalities: Tim Pool, Benny Johnson, Dave Rubin, Lauren Southern, Taylor Hansen and Matt Christiansen; were paid something like $100,000 per month each, to basically continue making content they were already making, with no exclusivity strings attached.
The only person on this list whose content I've caught (I'm not in the target audience for Right Wing Media) is Benny Johnson, who I considered a snarky condescending prick and quickly selected Don't recommend channel. One of the alleged motivations of this operation is to sow controversy and division into American political and social discourse, and Fuck Face Benny seems to excel in this capacity.
That said, on the face of it, this sounds like such an utterly piss-poor value proposition for the sheer volume of money getting shoveled out that I have a hard time the DOJ et al are telling the whole story. The only thing approaching a specific narrative they "pushed" was a vague reference to Ukraine is evil and the actual aggressor which is a position that many Right-leaning commentators like retired CIA analysts do a good job of expressing and backing up with strong specific details, for FREE.
I wonder if Scott Ritter's recent run-ins with 3 letter agencies are tied to this case in any way? If it WAS part of the same investigation, it appears they didn't find any dirt on Scott, even though he is open and transparent about writing content as an independent journalist that appears on RT.
Anyway, LOTS of the details surrounding this breaking story don't add up well when one tries to take the DOJ's case at face value and look closely at the merits of their allegations. It's one of those subjects that I find it wise to watch and see how it proceeds before getting invested in a specific position or narrative.
Read MoreIf you were to ask this woman, I would bet big money she would claim to NOT be white.
4w ago 5th Generation War
This venn diagrams across a couple of "populist" movements.
White-ass woman from Texas literally says "Colonialism gets a bad rap" as she discusses her plans to displace native Palestinians and "settle" in Gaza. She also makes mouth noises about "Palestinian isn't an ethnicity, it's an ideology."
TRPers who were all about "Tradwives" for a time, tell me if this makes you rethink that concept even a little?