Discussion about the 5th gen war
12h ago 5th Generation War
@Typo-MAGAshiv Germans are but a week from being able to protect themselves, my sympathy hinges on them accepting their destiny and pushing the Overton window of Europe far enough to enable the rest of Europe to solve the islam question.
12h ago 5th Generation War
...a car was driven into a crowd in Munich...
The driver was a 24-year-old Afghan asylum seeker...
It happened again.
Of course it fucking did.
13h ago 5th Generation War
At least 30 people have been injured, some seriously, after a car was driven into a crowd in Munich, just a week before the country's federal elections.
The driver was a 24-year-old Afghan asylum seeker, police said, and was identified in local media as Farhad N. He was arrested at the scene.
It happened again.
I stand by my original comment. Yes, St. Michael (I happen to be a fan of the figure/archetype), kills bad guys.
Says God, who won the war.
So too, Hitler was evil, says...um.. the people who actually won WWII.
Now, people are trying to pre-load Trump and Putin as Hitleresque.
If they lose, that will dwindle down to a few cultists. If they win, that will be taught in the history books.
(Hint: They always win in the long run. Don't get too comfortable. Until humanity can call his shit out by name - like we seem so comfortable doing to "terrorists" we will never be truly free)
Fair enough. I am guilty here of drawing from my own experience. The narrative I grew up with was that this was clearly Satan.
Which bolsters my point. It appears to be a matter of interpretation - hence, a matter of opinion.
I am okay with gray area. But not with things like this. Just say the thing man! What is the fucking story already!
2d ago 5th Generation War
You're not technically wrong, but the "Serpent was not Satan" narrative is relatively recent. And it has changed over time because it was challenged.
It's been debated for centuries. Millennia, even.
One of the things I love most about Christianity, it that it is up to every individual's personal interpretation.
You're not technically wrong, but the "Serpent was not Satan" narrative is relatively recent. And it has changed over time because it was challenged.
And this is why I walked away from the Catholic church in particular. There are not standards anymore. The narrative keeps changing, and the Pope just makes sh!t up when he gets pressured by his Rabbi overseers.
2d ago 5th Generation War
@Typo-MAGAshiv Right, I know that some folks think of the serpent as being lucifer, but I'm not sure where that originates from actually. I think it stems from the symbolism of the serpent later in Revelation and gets tied back to the serpent in the garden.
Well, at any rate, the original image is Saint Michael slaying the fuck out of some demons anyway so anything about Lucifer (and Hitler and Trump for that matter) is tangential.
3d ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma I'll care if something bad actually happens, and probably only if it's at least as bad as things that have already been happening over several decades.
I'm all for shutting down this waste.
3d ago 5th Generation War
the Bible didn't say "The End" at the end of Genesis
And from @deeplydisturbed:
He tried to red pill Adam and Eve - why did God even let the most evil being in all history to be roaming around with the two most innocent beings in all of history?
Genesis also didn't say that Lucifer was in the Garden of Eden, but rather that the serpent tempted Eve. God even sentences the serpent to crawl on its belly, eat dust, and have enmity with Adam and Eve's descendents ("he will crush your head, and you will bite his foot" or something like that).
If you go by what Genesis says, it's the serpent/snake, and not Lucifer.