Discussion about the 5th gen war
13h ago 5th Generation War
you're being way too alarmist,
You, like virtually every other Trump fan I see and interact with, are acting waaaay too passive and accepting, presumably because it's "your guy."
taking your cues from the Democrat politicians
There's not a single Democrat politician I like or respect right now, much less take cues from. Projection, or intellectual laziness to assume so?
who are screeching
Emotive language that predisposes speaker and user alike to disregard any and all substance to what is actually getting discussed. A type of propaganda. Does this originate in your own mind, or are you picking it up from your sources? You've used emotive language repeatedly when referencing "other side."
Everyone I know who is drawing Social Security has experienced no hiccups. [VA stuff that follows]
Maybe not YET, but have you zero concern for what will be done with ALL of the information that Elon Musk and his employees collecting information from the entire treasury system down the road?
What is "targeted" is the bloated excess spending that isn't necessary, such as the excessive mid-level management bureaucracy.
To the extent that this is true, I'm quite glad for it. My concern is that these particular targets are like candy to conservative audiences, and as such they sate their curiosity and diligence opening the way for actions that even conservatives do NOT want. I've seen this play out over and over through the decades and it's the exact process that brought America to the current state of Forever Wars and mass Civil Asset Forfeiture in airports and on highways.
Read More14h ago 5th Generation War
@MentORPHEUS you're being way too alarmist, taking your cues from the Democrat politicians who are screeching because a) their precious vote-buying programs are getting targeted, and b) corruption they were part of is being exposed, and c) money they were using to enrich themselves is being taken back.
Also the fact getting glossed over is the targeting of spending on very legitimate programs that directly help Americans who paid into "The System" their whole lives, such as Medicaid, Social Security, Veteran's Benefits, etc., as well as school lunches and food programs that benefit the needy.
Everyone I know who is drawing Social Security has experienced no hiccups.
I had a medical appointment with the VA just last week, and they spent this past week playing phone tag with me to set up followup appointments and lab work.
The shit that these agencies exist for is not "targeted". What is "targeted" is the bloated excess spending that isn't necessary, such as the excessive mid-level management bureaucracy.
Have you ever job hunted at usajobs.gov? I spent a good chunk of time there between getting out of the Army in 2012 and getting into my skilled trade in 2016. The amount of unnecessary jobs that you wouldn't think exist in some of these agencies is astounding. The VA alone has a ton of shit that isn't necessary if their primary functions are health care, disability pensions, and the GI Bills. They could use some auditing, as could many of these other agencies.
Read More19h ago 5th Generation War
moralise a literal hand gesture? Did
If you did that during your daughter's graduate speech, I would tell you how it looked like.
I wouldnt ask you what it was.
Id considered it rasher hilarious.
More so, you wife should start to call you "my dictator" in bed.
19h ago 5th Generation War
She hadn't gone full crazy yet back then.
This kind of crazy is not born in (what) 1-2 years.
Cant bothered to search for a deep musk gap.
19h ago 5th Generation War
core function of money laundering out of the US Treasury and into CIA black ops.
Sinse this money is untraceable, Also a convenient way of laundering money for influence of an nternal affairs, own pockets... lterally anything.
with unvetted personnel collecting very sensitive data about Americans with zero accountability much less
The same can be said about the executive orders from the first week. He just came up with them during the breakfast and made an announcement later that day, right from a napkin.
How the hell he could have them ready that early after being sworn in?!
But seriously, what you see as a loose attachment of musk and trump was so quiet, not to spook the prey. Thinking otherwise takover of twitter could be seen as a far reaching plan. Even the twitter takeover was a theater. From the media coverage it looked like they forced musk to buy it after "meddling" with its stock value, by the "fake" comments to buy it
into "The System" their whole lives, such as Medicaid, Social Security, Veteran's Benefits, etc
Lets go back to the beginning of your post.
launder money into dark ops
Having 2 brain cells and arguably there are an intelligent psychopaths working for the gov, "they" might also transfer the money to the nonexistant people. You can cut off financing for the POLITICO, 1min clean cut. But no one would dare to go for such and such
BTW. Got nothing to do with USa.
With the vast possibilityis they get up there, they could even fuck the toddlers and noons wold know.
Read More1d ago 5th Generation War
@MentORPHEUS The vast majority of USAID funds circulate in the DC area. The rest is used like you describe. No one's cutting Social Security.
1d ago 5th Generation War
have you not seen what USAID actually was and what it did?
Yes, perhaps more deeply so than most partisanized interpretations of it I've seen in the past week by people with a 4-year event horizon in their political discourse.
USAID is a CIA front going back at LEAST to the Vietnam era, long used to launder money into dark ops with inflated line item numbers. These line items get labeled so that sufficient numbers of them appeal to one political sportsball team and enrage the opposing one, so that when attention gets called to them it spins people into emotional wheel spinning of supporting/opposing at the surface level, leaving intact the core function of money laundering out of the US Treasury and into CIA black ops.
For instance, "Half a million spent on condoms for Palestinians that Hamas turned into bombs" or "Half a million spent on subscriptions to Politico." On the flip side "X amount spent funding anti-communist rebels in this country" or "Y amount spent supporting resistance groups against Russia, China, Islamic Country Z" The buzzwords are superficial and obvious, and so too should be the preposterously inflated dollar amounts attached to each.
In this current iteration, specific programs are getting focused on by Trump supporters, which keep them busy and distracted from the reality that Elon Musk's team was given unprecedented limitless access to government agency data, with unvetted personnel collecting very sensitive data about Americans with zero accountability much less approval and transparency. Also the fact getting glossed over is the targeting of spending on very legitimate programs that directly help Americans who paid into "The System" their whole lives, such as Medicaid, Social Security, Veteran's Benefits, etc., as well as school lunches and food programs that benefit the needy.
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