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It's excitement mixed with anxiety. Try meditation and control your arousal. It's a mind- dick connection. When you start to notice you're too aroused, do some deep breathing and focus on the present. Another way is to train your pelvic floor muscles with reverse kegels.
Don't apologize and then try again after a while. Tell her to suck you off until you get hard, then smash. It's your first time so who gives a shit.
Last, stop calling yourself an incel. It's a shitty self talk and cringe af.
9h ago The Hub
Incel problems
After a good 1.5 years of studying TRP I finally took major action about 3 weeks ago. I went on 8 dates in 14 days. Didnt get laid. Took a week off. Then the day came I was supposed to finally lose my V card. A girl invited me over to fuck. Nothing else. That was my only purpose there. But when we started somwthing interesting happened. First I busted during the foreplay. Then I couldnt get my dick up for 30min. (Im 20) And then I again busted trying to make my dick hard.
Why tf did that happen and how can I prevebt it from happening? Side note: I stopped watching porn and beating it about 1 year ago so my balls were completly full at the time of this event.
My girl has been up my ass lately trying to get me to give her babies, trying to make me marry her, and firstly trying to get me to move in with her.
We have broken up since I refused to do any of those things and she brought it to the reasoning that "I just don't think we are compatible."
Every girl I have ever been with and lost that lasted more than just a fling was because of this reason, that I refused to marry and move in with them. I am steadfast in my belief of this at this point of not wanting to live with a girl ever again after I did that for 10 years with my first gf, which ultimately led me to the red pill.
My question is this... Is it natural for a man to live with a woman?
It seems to be the most sure fire way to unhappiness and losing control/autonomy/sex in your life. Has this all been one big lie to sell men that they NEED a women?
Anytime I am with a girl for long enough for it to become "serious," is when I can start to feel myself slowly losing her attraction, while simultaneously losing more of my time to her "needs." I honestly do not care one bit to hear her complain and slander every person around her, the gossip, the bad mouthing,etc. This is what they always tell me is being emotionally supportive! haha. It makes me truly sick, spiritually sick, I am having a hard time seeing any use for them other than sex. And if that be the case, that their use is only sex, why in the fuck would I choose to live with them for a lifetime for what I can handle in 1.50 minutes?
Read More@Vermillion-Rx I stole that from Rian Stone
As the founding father of 713 flounce cards this didn't look like a flounce, regret ≠ flouncing
@Typo-MAGAshiv @TitusTorquatus
Remember when Cleopatra was portrayed as black in a show a couple years back and they got raked over the coals for getting her Greek ethnicity wrong just because Africa. Lmao, same vibes