Father, Patriarch. Put fire upon the Earth.
Relationship Philosophy:
Fuck her face and tell her she's a good girl.
This is a step in the right direction. We'll see how well Rubio does in the long run. Panama thinks the US is playing around. www.reuters.com/world/americas/rubio-panama-canal-migration-talks-he-begins-latin-america-trip-2025-02-02/
"For we are resolved, that according as you put forth your selves towards us, so shall you find us transformed to answer you. If you put forth your hand to us as country-men, ours are in readiness for you: If you exercise the pen, accordingly do we become ready writers; If your sword be drawn, ours is girt upon our thigh; If you present a gun, make haste to give the first fire: for we are come to put fire upon the earth, and it is our desire to have it speedily kindled." - Samuel Gorton 1646
@Lone_Ranger Money is simply another tool. If you have no game but enough money, you can get laid just fine. Certainly the quality of women you attract will be much different than the girls floor-mattress guy gets, but you will get laid nonetheless.
The real magic happens when the money is implied and not flaunted.
@Stigma I'm not so sure. I'm traditionally more of a No Quarter Given kind of guy, but I'm amenable
@Stigma There's a ridiculous amount of politicians, domestic and foreign, who have absurdly unattractive wives and/or are more masculine then their husbands.
@Lionsmane8 Reconquista will happen again. Islamic expansionism is not going to go the way people think it is.
@Typo-MAGAshiv far from blackpill or incel. its just a funny term.
Father, Patriarch. Put fire upon the Earth.
Fuck her face and tell her she's a good girl.