The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.
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4d ago TheRedPill
@Vermillion-Rx everyone coz everyone is jealous RIGHT NOW
4d ago TheRedPill
She showed me her tits on her phone in 3 different photos unsolicited because i made a mild joke about her boobs that was a semi disqualifer that obviously was a joke. And that was just one part of the hike.
I've never been on a more insane hike in my life
4d ago TheRedPill
Thanks for your time but its the time to leave.
I found the one and cant deal with that toxic masculinity anymore.
(I'll stay some more to collect V)
4d ago TheRedPill
@Vermillion-Rx there is an opinion that people that can do the solo proper hikes with an ascent, can't be too crazy