12mo ago Women Behaving Badly
it's official, hamster is not spinning the wheel anymore, it went for the special rollercoaster
youtu be/w_11Ut6unBQ
11mo ago The Hub
house is conveniently right here on this walk
I would say in these circumstances: Hey let's brake in to this house, I can pick locks. You observe the street
and then play along it's not yours.
11mo ago The Hub
SSRIs and SNRIs often lead to sexual side effects, which may affect treatment adherence and compliance. A small subset of individuals may develop PSSD, in which distressing sexual dysfunction persists after termination of the SSRI/SNRI and can last months to years.
Watch out for those mother fuckers.
BTW. blacklisting #tags instead of users might be a very useful feature, if one doesn't want to see some stuff
ourbodiesourselves org/blog/when-antidepressants-leave-lasting-damage-living-with-post-ssri-snri-sexual-dysfunction/
11mo ago The Hub
At the end of the conversation, he said he was going to e-mail me the password to a secret online community called Mystery’s Lounge. He had created Mystery’s Lounge two years before, after an enterprising bartender he’d slept with in Los Angeles found an Internet post he’d written about her on a public seduction newsgroup. After spending a weekend poring through the rest of his online archive, she e-mailed Mystery’s girlfriend, Patricia, and told her about her boyfriend’s extracurricular activities. The fallout nearly destroyed his relationship, and in the process taught him that there was a downside to being a pickup artist: getting caught.
11mo ago The Hub
Hey man,
When I was a kid I used to read plenty of legends and shit. Amongst all of them were "One_Thousand_and_One_Nights". DO you have any opinion on them, from TRP point of view?
en wikipedia org/wiki/Ali_Baba_and_the_Forty_Thieves
I don't remember them in entirety, but just reading recap on [lefty] Wiki, all is done by smart woman, although she rewarded for that by a man.
11mo ago Women Behaving Badly
@Antelope BTW, I was always convinced that only fast response units carry firearms [but not any regular street patrols]
11mo ago The Hub
Before I have started 'The Game' I thought it is going to be very technical.
Surprised that is is quite interesting read with many many many good points and observations, besides game. From what I take Style although did notice many losing propositions of professional pickup, yet couldn't stop himself going on [dopamine hits?].
I was surprised that quite a few the top gamers lived with parents, eventually crashed at other PUAs couch in the room with carpet soaked with semen [I think this is literal description].
This is where women also were coming for a fuck.
11mo ago The Hub
I seriously think men should curate their woman's social circle.
I agree, to the extent you can't do it.
Also: let's say she has no friends and she in in LTR. With no friends, who will influence her: people at work [arguably fiends], family.
Unless she'll stay at home all he time she will be prone to meet something. Not sure it is mentally healthy.
Old way of- not perfect - control was village. Now it isn't
I'm not sure you can get any real solution that is not ankle bracelet with cam. Also you will get mad [insane] in the process.
I think all you can do is to benefit of off the process and get her friends boned yourself and discredit them in the process. Not like this is perfect but well shit happens, and you did in your control instead trying to mate guard. We need more data points.
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