1h ago The Hub
@Lone_Ranger There are reasons for hope but its small hope.
Sadly democracy is looking unfit for purpose across the whole west. Europe is just further round the U bend and will be harder to recover. Western democracy was hijacked by the people we used to want to keep outside of it -socialists and foreigners who did not share or aspire to our values. Women voting is looking like the biggest hurdle to restoring it.
I could see dictators seizing power at this rate since democracy is failing. Seriously who would protest if Trump decided to stay after his term expired? No one who could stop him, no one who really counts. He would only need the generals and he could stay. If not him then someone will.
Bruh I've spent $30,000 on your courses so far and haven't even seen a bra but I'm a believer. Signing up again man you're a true G
5h ago The Hub
This is well worth watching. It describes how sluts cannot, and will not change.
5h ago The Hub
@woodsmoke There are some positive signs emerging from the UK. (UK is the country, not 'England'). The labour party and the conservatives have had their chance, they are basically both the same - they stand for decline. they are both obsessed with D&I, feminism, nihilism, net zero, unlimited immigration, going bankrupt, global elitism, the war against free speech, the trans agenda, ESG and performative self annihilation as a form of identity politics.
The reform party is making great progress. We could yet surprise ourselves in the UK. it might also happen in France. It has already begun in Italy and Austria.
I would say that the most cucked countries in Europe are Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands. They are beyond redemption. They have looked over the cliff edge, and they like what they see. They want to commit collective suicide, thinking that it will show the world how 'good they are'.
Germany is an interesting case in point. I have spent a lot of time there, both for university and work. I speak fluent German. The current dominant ideology is that national pride is evil, and that only through self destruction can they be 'good people'. They have the highest energy prices in the world, and they love it. Their factories are closing, and they love it. Their birthrates have collapsed (native born) and they honestly, really think thi is a 'good thing' because it will save the planet, and anyways, germans are evil and the fewer of them the better. They are in the middle of a collective national and cultural suicide, and they think this is a 'good thing'. A culture / nation / society that hates itself and wants to annihilate itself cannot be helped.
Soon they will be shivering in their unheated homes, with only scraps of cat food to eat, with no children, no pensions, no future, and only then will they be happy. Then they think they will have shown the world what good people they are.
Read More6h ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx you would totally smash.
I would as well. And we both know that she would be a great shag. She's about 5 foot 1 or something, and a filth bag.
Ideally I would like to bang her, wife her up and then divorce rape her. She's quite rich. That would even the scales up a bit for me.
@Vermillion-Rx when will you finally learn Vermy?
I think you need to sign up to my course:
Overcoming Beta-ness - how to finally rid yourself of the desire to be a beta cuck and set your sigma chad free.
$4999 (finance plans available).
Part of me really wants to track down this post and respond to his friends' question:
" why is it so hard for you to bet bitches ?"
Precisely because you don't think of it in terms of getting bitches.
To be clear, I don't generally think of it in those terms either, but I'm well beyond my plate-spinning days and, frankly, never had much interest in pursuing multiple women in the first place. Not an optimal approach - it took me a lot longer to learn some of the basics than it did others more inclined to player behavior, and what they learned through dealing with women directly I picked up more through indirect exposure to my brothers' divorces and a lot of reading and talking to other dudes. On the other hand, I seem to have achieved a measure of understanding with a lot fewer scars than those who served in the trenches, so to speak.
But I digress. Dude's obviously a nice guy who pedestalizes women because he still believes they're full of sugar, spice and everything nice. His friends, for whatever reason, have clearly been with enough women to see they're just women. Generally no more special than your average dude and most of 'em far more fucked in the head - largely because they've never faced any real adversity because nice guys like the OP are eager to throw themselves in front of the consequences of their poor decisions out of a misguided sense of protection. My guess is he's either the product of a single mother or, like myself, his dad was there but not really available and, in any case, didn't himself know enough to teach his son how to be kind to others without sacrificing for those who don't deserve and/or won't appreciate it.
All of which is moot, of course; dude's on feggit and so thoroughly indoctrinated he flagellates himself for feeling an entirely appropriate frustration by calling it "incel-coded." I genuinely want to help the guy - as @Typo-MAGAshiv said, in broad strokes he's me 20 years ago - but, for all he needs what we're selling, he ain't ready to buy it yet. Here's hoping he's one of the smarter ones and just needs a few years to run up the price rather than stubbornly insisting on the suppository.
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