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I don’t have the motivation to go out at night and run hundreds of approaches.
I've never once done hundreds in a month, let alone in a single night.
A few here and there is all it takes, especially if you only approach the ones who show interest (such as by eye contact and smiling).
4d ago Ask TRP
@deeplydisturbed WTF why has no one told me we have the poets tribe here
I want in
@joyboy I do not go out at night and run hundred of approaches and I do not use dating apps at all. I don't even have social media. I am sober now, so I do not depend on alcohol or "night life" to find women.
When I lost my job and I needed another one, I did not put out 100 apps a day. I did nothing for a few weeks, I slowly started watching my money dwindle and I realized I needed to get my name out there into some inboxes so someone would know that I wanted to be hired.
My resume was outdated, so I had to spruce that up and get it up to date. Maybe fudge a couple things and make it sound better to my potential employer, I did that one day. Then the next morning i drank some coffee and with some new found confidence from being happy about the new resume I made, I thought I should my name out there today. I called all the plumbing places around town, got some emails, sent them those directly, that was all I did that day.
Next day I start throwing out apps to other jobs I might be interested in doing, I put 4 apps out into warehouse jobs, that was a day. Next I put 5 apps out into sales jobs, Next day I put few apps out into close retail places (I needed a job!). Next day.... I didn't do any apps.
By next week, I get some calls back. I get a phone interview, I get an email, I get a recruiter calling. The phone interview for the sales job falls through, the email was a dead end too. I get upset and little bit depressed for a second but I have been here before and I know that things will just "WORK ITSELF OUT IN THE END," as long as I don't beat myself in my mind, stay positive, and keep trying again.
The recruiter tells me there is a new plumbing company in town and they are looking for someone with experience, just like me. I get an interview at the end of the week, they like me, I get the job. I only need one job right this moment and then I can go back to the "drawing board" to figure out my next play. I don't need to have my whole life planned out, just need to get this one step completed and then I can move on to the next thing.....
You do not have to hit on a 100 girls in a day, you just have to talk to 1 or 2 everyday, hell, 1 or 2 every week will get you a surplus of women. This rule applies to anything you want to accomplish. You wouldn't do 100 bench presses in a day to get strong, you just do a few sets a week and you will see results over time. You don't read a whole book in a day, you just read a few pages before bed and bam! one day you'll just finish the book.
Read More@Ill_Will7 This thread is the furthest
I’m not doing much at the moment. I don’t have the motivation to go out at night and run hundreds of approaches. My only interactions with girls is customers at my job or the occasional girl on tinder since my profile activity has gone down quite a bit recently
I see your point, at least i think how it's worded. I frequently use my banter skills on here and other testing on here with the dudes here on women out in the field. I actually don't treat women in the field much differently than the guys on here for banter and social nuance and it works at getting laid lmao
@Vermillion-Rx Point wasn't that you were wrong in all cases but that some guys start with such a personal-history disadvantage that they need to learn some basic "between guys" game before they can start absorbing basics of game with the girls.
There's always guys like Incela_Nextel to frustrate us with their impossibly stubborn thick headedness. Even with them though, there still exists a more receptive silent audience to play to.
I'm not sure if you read my follow up edit. I should have just retyped the post.
I was saying no amount of game or RP will compensate an INABILITY to socialize.
If a guy (especially a struggling one at that) can't socialize properly, or maintain a basic sexless conversation, piling game or RP on top of it is a recipe for disaster. If you can't talk to a girl without running game, the game will be even worse because game depends on social cues.
Otherwise these guys are just expecting YOLO game to get girls to take the masculine role and get them over the finish line despite having no ability to string together a social interaction
No amount of game or RP will compensate an ability to progress a basic social encounter
Disagree. Game and RP represent distillations of the nuts and bolts of social competence.
Some young men find themselves at the threshold of adulthood most of the way there and just needing their shoulders aimed 5 degrees in the correct direction and everything clicks for them. These guys learned most of the lessons organically when their experiences and encounters went their way much of the time. For them, game theory and TRP really are "this one weird trick" to maximize their social successes.
Others like myself, a bit socially neurodivergent and conditioned during upbringing to default to passive behaviors and swallow whole the Blue Pill mindset, must build an entire new "self" nearly from scratch. It was even worse coming of age pre-internet and needing two whole shelves of a bookcase worth of books on psychology, sociology, and marketing to find all the pieces here and there, yet still not have an overarching framework and right-minded community to give them a sense of permission to believe it all and assemble it correctly the first time through.
Young men coming of age today are stepping into a golden era of having the entire RP praxeology right fucking there to learn from.
Those who repeatedly spit the Red Pill back into our faces, of course it's annoying. But even then, I see my advice as playing to the greater silent audience, maybe not the reluctant principal at hand.
Read Moreand the two of us were alone and stoned and playing Mario Kart 64.
Weird, sounds like you two were playing Smash