The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.
Update: smashed. Gonna write a field report about using Zen Asshole Game
Just went on a wild hike with some chick who asked me out within 20 minutes of knowing her.
Probably gonna write a field report on just running no fucks game and holding frame
She kissed me at the end of it. Also probably gonna pass on this crazy pussy. Dear God.
18h ago TheRedPill
Sounds like luck, preparation readied you for opportunity.
Enjoy it and make the beat.
20h ago TheRedPill
I have jumped a queue & turned up for an enrollment that was not scheduled for me and got accepted, despite not being on an enrollment list for that day.
I wasn't going to wait another year to do it and if ill pass courses I can apply for another level and likely they both will be paid for (not possible separately).
Both run on the alternative days and have super convenient locations.
@SwarmShawarma I've read this a few times, with a lot of time between readings, and I'm still not sure what you're trying to say
1d ago TheRedPill
Month ago I was accepted for electrical course, I have expected to be accept ed for the plumbing one, on alternative days.
Fuckers told me that first enrollment is on Fri and if space left they will invite me a week later.
I just turned up to the first one and...a professional plan for this yeaer got completed. Guy that does the course didnt have me on a list, but my memorable something let him ignore it.
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6d ago TheRedPill
@Vermillion-Rx everyone coz everyone is jealous RIGHT NOW