"Nice guy in momma's basement "
Rest in peace Herman. I was hoping you'd win when you ran in 2012
New post from @loneliness-inc on the Where All The Good Men Are forum:
Men want women for sex.
Relevant post from @loneliness-inc: theredarchive.com/r/whereallthegoodmenare/psa-men-want-sex-women-need-sex.740395
the myth of the lonely old man
Relevant post from Rollo Tomassi:
Tag: @adam-l
New post at the WAATGM forum, this one from @loneliness-inc:
(This was just a quick check-in during a break from yardwork; back to other conversations later)
@woodsmoke reading that sub gives me a headache.
I'm with @loneliness-inc on this one: there's no such thing as a "Red Pill Woman". Wahmyns are only ever on team wahmyns.