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The weird finger/dick with gel at the end will be sorely missed.
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AI digitized version of aspieness?
It's so unintentional funny. I could see a very recluse aspie or not native English speaker trying to summarize it with accurate context but unrionically bad wording
4h ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx OMG, that's funnier than the actual expression!
I wonder if Elon Musk himself had a hand in making this AI digitized version of aspieness?
1) I note that this paper has NOT been peer reviewed.
This is a massive issue as far as initial credibility goes.
2) section in which they list their control factors
Their lack of any meaningful ones was an issue. If you already know some impactful covariates and refuse to covariate the results you could pretty much get any study outcome you want in advance.
There is an entire debate to problematic research practices and this study had countless
I think asking Grok about slang terms is one of my new favorite things
"Notably loose vagina" Gents
"Overly spacious vagina"
I remember watching the daily tallies of deaths due to COVID as the pandemic emerged. I watched the curve come and go. And near the end when the deaths had greatly declined, they rolled out the vaccine.
I am on mobile so I don’t have exact dates but I wish I had held onto those charts.
That was the first hint that shenanigans were afoot
This clearly indicates that Excess deaths in 2019 and beyond were NOT due to COVID
The other glaring issue is that the seasonal influenza deaths were conveniently not parsed out. This is due primarily to the fact that the PCR test could not discover between seasonal flu and COVID
Any thinking person should ask questions.
I will stop there
Our system is corrupt and Fauci is apparently a criminal.
The truth will Come out, as it always does, about 20-25 years from now and no one will care. So all these online debates will be long since over And the next generation will be dealing with the next world war or terrorist threat or pandemic.
The UberWhites will see to it.
Read More@adam-l oh no. You really have gone off the deep end.
Maybe because....
you don't go well!
have some vcards!
See? I knew that with sound arguing I'd swing you to my point of view. (: